Chattisgarh Gets PM Pat, Adds Millions Of Toilets

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's faith in Chattisgarh's sanitation progress is well-founded, as our examination of government data from his Swachh Bharat Mission reveals, adding 2 million household toilets since 2011.
As many as 85% of Chattisgarh's 4.3 million households were without toilets in 2011, according to census data.
Half of those 4.3 million households had toilets as of June 25, 2015, according to data from the Swachh Bharat Mission website.
Chattisgarh has already achieved 48.3% of the 2019 target set for the construction of individual households toilets and 37% for public toilets.
The state, ruled by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party has done particularly well in toilet construction for schools, achieving 96.2% of the target and 88% for anganwadis, or creches.
More than 2.2 million individual households in Chattisgarh still defecate in the open.