What are the Rights of an Arrested Person?

Right to Know Grounds of Arrest
Arrested with or without a warrant, the person is entitled to all details of the offence they have been booked for.
Right to Remain Silent
The Constitution guarantees every person the right against self-incrimination, so an accused cannot be forced to confess.
Right to be Informed about Bail
Person arrested under bailable offences is entitled to be released on bail on payment of surety amount.
Right to be Taken Before A Magistrate Within 24 hrs
A cop has to produce an arrested person before a magistrate within 24 hours of arrest or it’ll count as wrongful detention.
Right to Consult A Lawyer
Under this fundamental right, every accused has a right to be defended by a lawyer and if they can’t afford a lawyer, the court must provide one at the expense of the state.
Right to a Fair and Speedy Trial
Article 14 of the Constitution guarantees the right to equality before the law.
Right to be Examined by a Medical Practitioner
Once arrested, the accused has to be clinically examined for either evidence against conviction or to check if accused was tortured during investigation.